Glen Mével

Contact: (λ x y .”) “glen” “mevel”.

Former PhD student (2018–2022), team Cambium at Inria Paris & Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles at ENS Paris-Saclay (successor to team VALS at LRI), France.

With my advisors François Pottier (Inria) and Jacques‐Henri Jourdan (LMF), we aim at establishing a program logic for proving correctness of Multicore OCaml programs. For that, we are using the Coq proof assistant and the Iris separation logic.

Research interests: functional programming, proof of programs, separation logic, concurrent programming…


I defended my PhD thesis on December 14th, 2022. [dissertation] [slides]


May 2022: I gave a talk about time debits at the second Iris workshop. [slides]


François Pottier, Armaël Guéneau, Jacques-Henri Jourdan, and Glen Mével. Thunks and debits in separation logic with time credits. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, 8 (POPL), January 2024. [PDF] [Coq proofs] [Zenodo pub. with proof artifact]
A thunk is a mutable data structure that offers a simple memoization service: it stores either a suspended computation or the result of this computation. Okasaki [1999] presents many data structures that exploit thunks to achieve good amortized time complexity. He analyzes their complexity by associating a debit with every thunk. A debit can be paid off in several increments; a thunk whose debit has been fully paid off can be forced. Quite strikingly, a debit is associated also with future thunks, which do not yet exist in memory. Some of the debit of a faraway future thunk can be transferred to a nearer future thunk. We present a complete machine-checked reconstruction of Okasaki’s reasoning rules in Iris$, a rich separation logic with time credits. We demonstrate the applicability of the rules by verifying a few operations on streams as well as several of Okasaki’s data structures, namely the physicist’s queue, implicit queues, and the banker’s queue.
Glen Mével and Jacques-Henri Jourdan. Formal Verification of a Concurrent Bounded Queue in a Weak Memory Model Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, 5 (ICFP), August 2021. [PDF] [slides] [video] [Coq proofs] [Zenodo pub. with proof artifact]
We use Cosmo, a modern concurrent separation logic, to formally specify and verify an implementation of a multiple-producer multiple-consumer concurrent queue in the setting of the Multicore OCaml weak memory model. We view this result as a demonstration and experimental verification of the manner in which Cosmo allows modular and formal reasoning about advanced concurrent data structures. In particular, we show how the joint use of logically atomic triples and of Cosmo's views makes it possible to describe precisely in the specification the interaction between the queue library and the weak memory model.
Glen Mével, Jacques-Henri Jourdan, and François Pottier. Cosmo: A Concurrent Separation Logic for Multicore OCaml. Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, 4 (ICFP), August 2020. [PDF] [slides] [video] [Coq proofs] [ACM-archived proof artifact]
Multicore OCaml extends OCaml with support for shared-memory concurrency. It is equipped with a weak memory model, for which an operational semantics has been published. This begs the question: what reasoning rules can one rely upon while writing or verifying Multicore OCaml code? To answer it, we instantiate Iris, a modern descendant of Concurrent Separation Logic, for Multicore OCaml. This yields a low-level program logic whose reasoning rules expose the details of the memory model. On top of it, we build a higher-level logic, Cosmo, which trades off some expressive power in return for a simple set of reasoning rules that allow accessing nonatomic locations in a data-race-free manner, exploiting the sequentially-consistent behavior of atomic locations, and exploiting the release/acquire behavior of atomic locations. Cosmo allows both low-level reasoning, where the details of the Multicore OCaml memory model are apparent, and high-level reasoning, which is independent of this memory model. We illustrate this claim via a number of case studies: we verify several implementations of locks with respect to a classic, memory-model-independent specification. Thus, a coarse-grained application that uses locks as the sole means of synchronization can be verified in the Concurrent-Separation-Logic fragment of Cosmo, without any knowledge of the weak memory model.
Glen Mével, Jacques-Henri Jourdan, and François Pottier. Time credits and time receipts in Iris. In Luis Caires, editor, European Symposium on Programming (ESOP), volume 11423 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, April 2019. [PDF] [slides] [Coq proofs]
We present a machine-checked extension of the program logic Iris with time credits and time receipts, two dual means of reasoning about time. Whereas time credits are used to establish an upper bound on a program's execution time, time receipts can be used to establish a lower bound. More strikingly, time receipts can be used to prove that certain undesirable events — such as integer overflows — cannot occur until a very long time has elapsed. We present several machine-checked applications of time credits and time receipts, including an application where both concepts are exploited.